The Sarajevo Stock Exchange offers services of organizing educational events related to the capital market to existing and potential investors , representatives of companies , public authorities and local governments , educational institutions, etc. . The aim of the above events is that business of Stock Exchange make it closer to all interested, through various educational activities. This activity SASE was created as a result of importance understanding the ways of functioning of capital markets widest range of interested parties. Educational facilities can be organized through the organization of thematic conferences , round tables , seminars , courses , presentations , as well as through visits to the Sarajevo Stock Exchange . Services of education are offered under the following conditions : - Maintenance Fee two - hour presentation (lecture + questions and discussion ) about various aspects of the business on the stock exchange request is 500.00 KM if is secured room with complete equipment - Compensation for the organization and maintenance of educational content in a specific and actual demand contracted separately , and depending on the elements of the claim can be organized in the premises of the stock exchange , as well as in other locations , provided the technical facilities .