March 11 - Continuation of project Advantages of SASE Official Market
April 4 - First extraordinary revision of SASX-10
April 4 - Change in Special Auctions Rulebook
April 21 - SASE together with SRO started series of presentations about investing in capital market in the F B&H
June 11 - Adopted new SASE Statutes
June 25 - Substantial drop in share price of Bosnalijek Sarajevo
July 11 - First bonds listed, issuers: NLB Tuzlanska banka and Fima banka
July 16 - Adopted SASE IPO Rulebook
August 15 - Dealer trades are not counted into total transaction count
September 1 - Block trades discontinued on SASE
September 1 - Start of Off Market Trading Rulebook
September 9 - First IPO on SASE
September 26 - Developed new measures for trading improvements
October 1 - Member codes are no longer visible in trading system
October 22 and 23 - Third international Sarajevo Stock Exchange Conference held in Sarajevo
November 3 - Intraday trading introduced on SASE
November 17 - Second part of IPO on SASE
- Adoption of the promotion plan for issuance of municipal bonds
- SASE took part in regional and international Roadshow
- Development of Corporate Governance Codex