Operating Income (202 206 210 211) |
1. Income from sales of merchandise goods (203 through 205) |
a) to related legal entities |
b) on domestic market |
c) on foreign market |
2. Income from sale of products (207 through 209) |
a) to related legal entities |
b) on domestic market |
c) on foreign market |
3. Income from activation or consumption of goods, products and services |
4. Other operating income |
Operating Expenses (213 214 215 219 220 221 222 223 224) |
1. Merchandise goods sold at cost |
2. Materials expenses |
3. Wages, salaries and other employee benefits expenses (216 through 218) |
a) Gross wages and gross salaries |
b) Other employee expenses |
c) Other individual expenses |
4. Services expense |
5. Depreciation |
6. Provisions expenses |
7. Immaterial expense |
Increase in value of products in stock |
Decrease in value of products in stock |
Operating income (201-212) |
Operating Loss (212-201) |
Finance Income (228 through 233) |
1. Finance income from related legal entities |
2. Interest income |
3. Foreign exchange gains |
4. Incomes from currency clause |
5. Income from joint venture investments |
6. Other finance income |
Finance Expenses (235 through 239) |
1. Finance expenses from relations with related legal entities |
2. Interests expense |
3. Foreign exchange losses |
4. Currency clause expenses |
5. Other finance expense |
Finance income (227-234) |
Finance loss (234-227) |
Operating income(225-226 240-241) > 0 |
Operating loss (225-226 240-241) < 0 |
Other income (245 through 253) |
1. Income from sale of fixed assets |
2. Income from sale of investment property |
3. Income from sale of biological assets |
4. Income from sale of stakes in capital and long-term securities |
5. Income from sale of materials |
6. Surpluses |
7. Collected written-off receivables |
8. Incomes from contractually agreed risk protection |
9. Written-off liabilities, termination of provisions and other incomes |
Other expenses (255 through 263) |
1. Losses arising from sale and write-off of fixed assets |
2. Losses arising from sale and write off of investment property |
3. Losses arising from sale and write off of biological assets |
4. Losses from sale of stakes in capital and long-term securities |
5. Losses from sale of materials |
6. Deficits |
7. Losses from risk protection |
8. Losses from revaluation and write-offs |
9. Losses from products in stocks and other losses |
Gain from other incomes and expenses (244-254) |
Loss from other incomes and expenses (254-244) |
Income from revaluation of value (267 through 275) |
1. Income from revaluation of intangible assets |
2. Income from revaluation of real-estates, plant and equipment |
3. Income from revaluation of investment property which is subject to depreciation |
4. Income from revaluation of biological assets which are subject to depreciation |
5. Income from revaluation of long-term financial placements and financial assets available for sale |
6. Income from revaluation of products in stock |
7. Income from revaluation of short-term financial placements |
8. Income from revaluation of capital value |
9. Income from revaluation of other property value |
Losses from revaluation of proprerty value (277 through 284) |
1. Impairment of intangible assets |
2. Impairment of real-estates, plant and equipment |
3. Impairment of investment property which is subject to depreciation |
4. Impairment of biological assets which are subject to depreciation |
5. Impairment of long-term financial placements and financial assets available for sale |
6. Impairment of products in stock |
7. Impairment of short-term financial placements |
8. Impairment of other property value |
Increase of the value of specific fixed assets (286 through 288) |
Increase of the value of investment properties that are not subject to depreciation |
Increase of the value of biological assets that are not subject to depreciation |
Increase of the value of other property values that are not subject to depreciation |
Decrease of the value of specific fixed assets (290 through 292) |
Decrease of the value of investment properties that are not subject to depreciation |
Decrease of the value of biological assets that are not subject to depreciation |
Decrease of the value of other property values that are not subject to depreciation |
Revaluation gain (266-276 285-289) > 0 |
Revaluation loss (266-276 285-289) < 0 |
Incomes from changes in accounting policies and corrections from previous year |
Losses from changes in accounting policies and corrections from previous year |
Income before taxes (242-243 264-265 293-294 295-296) > 0 |
Loss before taxes (242-243 264-265 293-294 295-296) < 0 |
Tax expenses of reporting period |
Deferred tax expenses of reporting period |
Deferred tax incomes of reporting period |
Net income (297-298-299-300 301) > 0 |
Net loss (297-298-299-300 301) < 0 |
Income from sale and revaluation of assets available for sale and discontinued operations assets |
Loss from sale and revaluation of assets available for sale and discontinued operations assets |
Income from discontinued operations (304-305) |
Loss from discontinued operations (305-304) |
Tax on discontinued operations |
Net income from discontinued operations (306-307-308) > 0 |
Net loss from discontinued operations (306-307-308) < 0 |
Net income of the period (302-303 309-310) > 0 |
Net loss of the period (302-303 309-310) < 0 |
Interim dividends and other net income distributions during reporting period |
Gains determined directly in capital (equity) (315 through 320) |
1. Gains from realization of revaluation reserves for fixed assets |
2. Gains from changes in fair value of securities available for sale |
3. Gains arising from translation of financial statements in foreign operations |
4. Actuarial gains from defined-benefit plans |
5. Effective share of gains arising from cash-flow risk protection |
6. Other unrealized gains and gains determined directly in capital (equity) |
Loss determined directly in capital (equity) (322 through 326) |
1. Losses from changes in fair value of securities available for sale |
2. Losses arising from translation of financial statements in foreign operations |
3. Actuarial losses from defined-benefit plans |
4. Effective share of losses arising from cash-flow risk protection |
5. Other unrealized losses and losses determined directly in capital (equity) |
Other total income before tax (314-321) |
Other total loss before tax (321-314) |
Accrued Deferred tax on other total income |
Other total net income (327-328-329) > 0 |
Other total net loss (327-328-329) < 0 |
Total net income of the period (327-328-329) > 0 |
Total net loss of the period (311-312 330-331) < 0 |
Net income/loss of the period which belongs to owners (311 or 312) |
a) Majority owners |
b) Minority owners |
Total Net income/loss of the period which belongs to owners (332 or 333) |
a) Majority owners |
b) Minority owners |
Earnings per share |
a) Basic |
b) Diluted |
- based on the working hour |
- according to month ending balance |