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Bosnian Investment Fund Index - BIFX

The Bosnian Investment Fund Index (BIFX) is the first index published by the Sarajevo Stock Exchange. It consists of the shares of the 11 investment funds registered in the Federation of Bosnia-Hercegovina (formerly Privatization Investment Funds - PIFs).

BIFX is a price index, meaning that no cash dividends are reinvested in the index, therefore it reflects only the price development of the included shares. By its purpose, it is considered a benchmark index, whose main goal is to provide investors a general view and evaluation of the current market trends in the segment of investment funds listed at the Sarajevo Stock Exchange.

BIFX is a (full) market capitalization index with no capping procedures.

SArajevo Stock EXchange Index 10 - SASX-10

The Sarajevo Stock Exchange Index 10 (short form: SASX-10) is the main index on the Sarajevo Stock Exchange. It depicts the price movement of the top 10 issuers on the Sarajevo Stock Exchange (excluding investment funds) ranked by market capitalization and frequency of trading.

SASX-10 is a price index, meaning that no cash dividends are reinvested in the index. It main goal is to serve as a general benchmark index. SASX-10 is a (full) market capitalization weighted index, where the maximum influence of an individual issuer is capped at 20%.

The index consists of issuers which meet the following criteria (excluding the Investment funds):

  • The issuer is among the top 10 companies ranked by full market capitalization,
  • The frequency of trading with the shares of the issuer is at least 2/3 of the possible trading days in the semester
  • The issuer is not in bankruptcy proceedings

The base date of the index is December 31st, 2004, and the corresponding base-value was set to 1.000,00 index points.

SArajevo Stock EXchange Index-30 - SASX-30

The Sarajevo Stock Exchange Index 30 (short form: SASX-30) is the index of the Primary Free Market of the Sarajevo Stock Exchange. It depicts the price movement of the issuers on the Primary Free market, which is reserved for the most liquid issuers from the Free market.

SASX-30 is a price index, meaning that no cash dividends are reinvested in the index. It main goal is to serve as a general benchmark index. SASX-30 is a unweighted (equally weighted)index, where all the constitutents have the same influence on the index movement.

In order to be included in the index, an issuer must be listed on the Primary Free market, which means that his trading algorithm is continuous (MFTS), and the maximum daily price fluctuations can be +/- 20% from the last day official price. The base date of the index is March 31st, 2009, and the corresponding base-value was set to 1.000,00 index points.

SASE Islamic Index in cooperation with BBI - SASX-BBI

SASE Islamic index – in cooperation with BBI is a benchmark index, whose goal is to enable the investors and analysts the evaluation of general movement of share prices of the companies which are in line with the conditions from the Shariah methodology of BBI, and are on the BBI-SASE List of companies.


  • Price index
  • Index pondered with adjusted market capitalization of the issuers which enter the composition of the Index, with the capping factor being 15% of the total market capitalization of the Index.

Only the companies included in BBI-SASE List can be participants in the Index, and they also need to be among the top 25 symbols based on a combination of ranks of market capitalization and exchange turnover in the reference period.

Base date of the Index is October 7th, 2016, and the base value is 10,000 index points.

SArajevo Stock EXchange Fundamentals - SASX-FN

„SASX-FN is a benchmark index of the Sarajevo Stock Exchange which tracks the price movements of the first 15 companies on the market according to profit from business activities, according to the last financial statement. The list excludes shares from investment funds, banks, insurrance companies, issuers in bankruptcy proceedings, as well as issuers whose main headquarters are outside of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

This index is not bound to a special market segment; its constituents can be issuers from the Prime and the Free Market.

SASX-FN is the first fundamentally weighted index on SASE. The fundamental ratios used for weighting are Return on Equity, Earning per share and the Profit margin of the included companies. There is no weight capping employed.

Base date of the index is August 18th, 2017. Base value is 10.000,00 index points.

The index methodology can be found HERE (only in Bosnian).“

Date Abs. Change % Change Value
Symbol Description Weight
Date Abs. Change % Change Value
Symbol Description Weight
Date Abs. Change % Change Value
Symbol Description
Date Abs. Change % Change Value
Symbol Description Weight

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  • Address: Đoke Mazalića 4/I,  Sarajevo

  • Phone: (387) 33 251-460

  • Email: contact@sase.ba