In accordance with Article 67 of the SASE Statute, the Supervisory Board consists of the president and four members.
The following are appointed to the Supervisory Board:
The limits for membership of the Supervisory Board:
(1) In the Supervisory board of the Stock exchange cannot be appointed:
The Supervisory Board of the Sarajevo Stock Exchange:
The Management Board represents the company and leads the company's operations.
The Management Board consists of one or more persons who need not be members of society. They are appointed in the manner and for the period specified in the founding act or Statute. In case when management has more members, their powers and responsibilities is regulated by the founding act or Statute.
The Management Board of the Sarajevo Stock Exchange:
Stock Exchange Committee decides in proceedings to determining the existence of violations of Rules and may impose any of the measures set out in the Rules for the responsible persons.
Article 189.
Stock Exchange Committee members:
Listing Board is a special organ of Stock exchange which is responsible for:
Listing Board members:
The Board shall have five (5) members. Four members, who meet the requirements, appointed by the Supervisory Board for a term of four (4) years with the possibility of re-appointment, and one (1) member who is employed at the Stock Exchange appointed by the Management Board, with the possibility of reappointment. Member of the Board may be a person who has a university degree and who is an acknowledged expert in the field of finance and corporate law.
Members of the Stock Exchange Arbitrage are:
The audit committee, audits SASE financial operations in accordance with Article 91 of the SASE Statute.
Members of the Audit Committee are: